Chris Atkin Granville

👋 Hi there, I'm Chris. I'm a software engineer primarily interested in:

Most recently, I was part of the Java Platforms team (within the Engineering Effectiveness group) at Wayfair. My team was responsible for supporting Java and the JVM in production use, helping the Java community move with agility of a startup.

Among other things, we:

Before Wayfair, I was part of the Platform group at GuideSpark, where I worked on core backend, platform, and infrastructure for GuideSpark's SaaS platform, including:

In 2021, GuideSpark had an exit event and was acquired.

I hold a Master's degree in Computer Science from the University of Edinburgh, where I focussed on software engineering, parallel distributed systems, and high-performance computing via EPCC, the UK's national supercomputing centre. My thesis was on the use of auto-threading JIT compilers within the GraalVM framework. My undergraduate education was at Keele University, where I worked on fractal image analysis techniques for analysing CT scans.

I live in the San Francisco Bay Area with my wife and dog Ben.


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chris at
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